Saturday, February 14, 2009

Diane is Recovering!

Hello everyone,
Sorry it has been so long since the last post. They say no news is good news, and that is true in regards to Diane's health. We went the the University of Michigan Cancer Center on Friday the 6th of February. Diane was concerned the Medical Oncologist was going to recommend systemic chemo therapy. We are thankful to God that based upon all pathology reports the doctor determined no need for chemo. Diane will need to follow up with blood tests and ct scans every three months. Diane is getting better day by day. Some days she struggles with abdominal discomfort and tiredness. She has reduced her pain medication to a limited amount. As I write this blog, Diane and her friend Deb are at the mall walking. We can not express our thankfulness to our family and friends for providing emotional, spiritual and physical support. May the Lord bless each and everyone of you!


Jeff & Diane

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Packing our Bags

Diane and I are so ready to return home! It was wonderful to spend the night together at the Hope Lodge. Today's Doctor's appointment went fine with the removal of half the staples. The other half will be removed by a doctor back home. We will need to return to Cincinnati at the end of April for a CT scan. The scan will be used as a base line to assure no new tumor growth. Diane will also need to find a oncologist back home to have routine cancer markers completed. Dr. Sussman who practiced at the UofM Hospital will refer us to an oncologist in our area. Diane and I will continue to pray that God will bring full healing and no further treatment will be needed.
As the apostle Paul had a thorn in his side, we have one in our side. We have asked God to remove that thorn, but rely and trust in God to take care of us and use us for his glory despite this or any thorn. Most of us, if not all have asked why does God allow people to suffer with disease and death? A clear understanding of that question may not be known on this side of eternity. I do know God created us in his image for his pleasure. Sin that came into this world separated us from God and broke our relationship with him. That is why Jesus was sent to earth as a perfect sacrifice for our sin. It was a gift of mercy and grace that would restore our relationship to God. However that gift would need to be accepted by us, a gift not opened is of no use. In order to accept that gift we need to confess we are sinners and that we can do nothing in our own power to be good enough to restore our relationship with God. It is only through Jesus and his death and resurrection that we have hope. Most of us celebrate Christmas (the birth of Jesus) and Easter (the resurrection of Jesus) but do we fully understand the impact these two holidays have? If we truly understand the meaning, then we would want to live a life that serves and brings glory to God. How do you show your thankfulness for God's gift to the world? The first step is to confess that you are a sinner and in need of a savior. Then simply ask Jesus to forgive you of your sin, and to be Lord of your life. Admit you are powerless in your own strength, and that you need God to fill you with the Holy Spirit so he may guide and empower you. You must give Jesus the honor he deserves for the love he has freely given. Ask yourself how was the world created? what is my purpose for living? What will happen to me after death on earth? what will I tell God when he asks, why should you be aloud into Heaven? The answer to all those questions can be found in Jesus, as revealed in the Bible and by the Holy Spirit. Just as we have packed our bags to leave the Hope Lodge, Diane and I are prepared to leave this earth and travel to a place that God has prepared for us for eternity. Are you prepared to pass from this life into eternity? I pray that you are. The only travel agent qualified to prepare you for your trip is Jesus! This will be the last daily blog, I will update it from time to time. Thank you for your love and support you have already, and will continue to give.

Love Jeff & Diane

Monday, January 12, 2009

Diane is Discharged!

Praise the Lord! He is good and faithful. I write this blog as Diane rests in bed at the Hope Lodge. She was discharged around 11:30 am from the hospital today. The thankfulness she felt for the ability to experience some of life's everyday amenities brought an over whelming feeling to her heart. We are both so thankful we are on the other side of surgery. Tomorrow we will see Dr. Sussman at his office at 11:15 am. We hope he will remove the staples and have a chance to discuss his recommendations moving forward. We will stay Tuesday night at the Hope Lodge and return home Wednesday. The thought of being home is peaceful to our heart and to our soul. I thank God for the comfort we found meditating on his word, and the promises within, during this time of need.

God bless you all

Sunday, January 11, 2009

No More Lines

Hello everyone,
The last of the lines where removed today. Diane is know transitioning into the next phase of recovery. Her plumbing is working, but they need to adjust in how they function as the result of surgery. The nurses are fine tuning the type and dose of oral pain medication. They need to find the right one to relieve the pain and have the least amount of side affects. When Dr. Sussman talked with us today he was thinking about releasing her from the hospital on Monday. We would stay at the Hope Lodge Monday night and see the Dr. at his office on Tuesday. If the staples are ready to be removed he would do so at that time. Depending on how Diane feels we may stay another night at the Hope Lodge or return home Tuesday. We are going to take it one step at a time and not worry about any time table. What ever is best for Diane, that is what we will do! We miss our family, friends, and worshipping God at New Faith Chapel. If we all pay attention to the details we will see how God is not only working in our circumstances, but the circumstances you all face in your lives as well. It is hard to see God at work while we are in the middle of our circumstances, but we need to trust that he is, and know that others see God working.

Good night

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Getting Closer

Diane had a great day today! She had two regular meals with no problem. She also had a nice visit with her children that lasted 4 hours. We are sitting in her room as I write this blog, and Diane reads the Bible. Tomorrow will bring us a step closer to discharge. Our prayer is that the doctors will remove her IV and administer her pain medication orally. Tonight's update is a short one, my mind is tired and ready to relax. I think I will watch a little football. May the Lord bring us together soon, that is Lord willing and the creek don't rise.

God bless you all.

Friday, January 9, 2009

A Little to Soon

Greetings to everyone,
It is post operative day 9, another day that the Lord allowed Diane and I to be together! In the morning Diane looked out the window and saw a beautiful pink streaked sky that we enjoyed together. Diane had a regular breakfast today, unfortunately she could not hold it down so the doctors returned her to a liquid diet. There are two different anti nausea medications that she has been taking, Zofran and Phenergan. The Zofran cause's Diane to feel very hot, flush and disorientated. We had told the nursing staff she did not want the Zofran any more, but she received a dose this morning. Diane can tell you it was not a fun experience. We are both so thankful for he support we have been receiving from all of you. I read all the comments and email's that everyone sends, she really enjoys them all! Diane is hoping to see Sean, Kyle, and Mori this weekend. With the snow falling not sure if the visit will happen or not. I thank the Lord for all he is teaching Diane and I as we walk through this circumstance together. If you asked me 10 days ago I would have told you I was in the valley. Today however I feel on the mountain top. I believe wee can go through difficult circumstances and remain on the mountain top as long as we are keeping our eye's on God. If we take our eye's off God, that is when we end up in the valley. It is how our relationship with Jesus is that determines if we are on the mountain top or in the valley. I just returned to writing after tucking Diane in bed. We are both excited and happy to report, she passed her first gas since the operation! Diane received a card today reminding us that God is an on time God, and we both said yes he is!

Good night and God bless you all.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Diane Move's

Diane's bowels moved! the doctor's gave her a little something to help out. Help it did, maybe a little to much. She will be put on a regular diet in the morning! She is looking forward to 9:30 am when the breakfast cart comes around. We welcomed Dave and Cheryl Jones for a short visit today. Diane had a virtual walk with Lynn & Deb today. I missed the big party that Diane's sister Beth through for Diane today. Diane's IV alarm went off so Beth decided to call the nursing staff by pushing the staff button on the wall several times. If you push the button 3 times it alerts all staff on the floor. In a matter of seconds, Diane had a dozen people at her room. The nurse's where glad that Beth did not use the CODE BLUE button or the party would have been double the size and would have included doctors. Diane has taken another step in the right direction today. We praise the Lord for his healing, and we thank you all for your prayer's. God receives the glory know and in the future, what ever our future holds. None of us know our future and therefore are hope is not in our circumstances or in what is seen. Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see". We are looking forward to returning home as soon as she is physically able. Tomorrow should be a big day in determining her discharge day. I will keep you all posted. Good night Numbers 6:24-26
"The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace."